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Flu Comfort has been formulated to assist the body’s abilities to cope with the discomfort during the cold and flu seasons, and maintain our body’s well-being. Clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels wind, relieves cough, opens the nasal passages, brightens the eyes. Resolves flu symptoms in 60-90 minutes.

Use for the following flu conditions:


  1. sinus congestion or discharge
  2. general body ache
  3. fever, fever with chills
  4. headache
  5. sore throat
  6. red eyes
  7. stiffness of upper back and neck
  8. swollen lymph glands
  9. ear infection
  10. sinus infection
  11. viral pneumonia



  1. Lonicerae
  2. Chrysanthemi
  3. Viticis
  4. Isatidis
  5. Evodiae
  6. Mentha

Best used with Body Force, Breathe Comfort and Nose Allergy Comfort Formulas to eradicate severe cases.  Ideally, when the onset of flu begins, this combination recovers flu conditions within 8 hours. It is the same regimen that the Chinese used to recover from severe flu and other viral conditions. What it does is reduce the intense aspects so you can live your life. Having a strong, open immune system is essential to combatting viral/bacterial insults to your body.


Large bottle: 400 tablets      Medium bottle: 200 tablets


Take 5 tablets, 3-4 times per day.


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