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A unique blend of probiotics and prebiotics, along with additional support for a healthy GI tract.

Classically defined, probiotics are “a preparation of, or a product containing viable, defined microorganisms
in sufficient numbers, which alter the microbiota (typically by colonization) in a compartment of the host, and by that, exert beneficial health effects in this host.”(1) Traditionally, probiotics have consisted of species from the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, however other strains have demonstrated beneficial effects.

Documented research has indicated important benefits associated with the use of probiotic bacteria, including improved digestion, enzymatic activity and overall health. For example, L. plantarum is recognized as a major colonizer(2) and was shown to “decrease translocation, improve mucosal status, improve liver status, improve the immunologic status of the mucosa, and to reduce mucosal inflammation.” Subsequently, L. plantarum is considered to be an integral part of the host’s immunologic defense.(3) Probiotics have also shown to have a modulating effect on the immune system. A probiotic combination of Lactobacilli species, Bifidobacteria species and a Streptococcal
strain was shown to be immunomodulating by virtue of both the upregulation of IL-10 production by dendritic cells, and the decreased production of interferon-gamma by T-cells. Also noted was a “diminished proinflammatory effect via a decrease in the lipopolysaccharide production of IL-12.”(4) BioDoph-7 Plus® supplies ingredients that:

• Improves digestive function
• Improves immunologic status
• Increases beneficial anaerobes
• Decreases “unfriendly” organisms
• Stimulates phagocytosis
• Soothes gastric mucosa

Like probiotics, prebiotics also play a beneficial role in GI health, via their alteration of the gut flora composition in favor of beneficial bacterial.(5) Prebiotics are categorized as a “nondigestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon.”(6) The prebiotic inulin demonstrated beneficial results with administration, by virtue
of its ability to stimulate the enumeration of the colonic Bifidobacteria population, thus improving the
composition of the gut flora. (7) Arabinogalactan from larch is also an effective prebiotic fiber. In the large
intestine it is actively fermented by friendly intestinal microflora, resulting in an increased number of
beneficial anaerobes, while simultaneously decreasing unfriendly organisms such as Clostridia. (8) Marshmallow
root extract, also considered a prebiotic, supplies polysaccharides, including arabinogalactans and glucan. It stimulates phagocytosis, and has been shown to alleviate local irritation of the gastric mucosa.(9) Thus, when considering overall health benefits, the combination of prebiotics and probiotics supplied by BioDoph-7 Plus® are a judicious choice, having documented success in improving gastrointestinal health. Additionally, by utilizing a
prophylactic approach, gastrointestinal complaints may be addressed in a means that will promote optimal wellness.

1. Havenaar R and Huis In’t Veld, MJR. 1992 Probiotics: a general   view. Lactic acid Bacteria in Health and Disease, Vol.1(ed. B.J.B. Wood), pp. 151-170, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers,  Amsterdam.
2. Ahrne S, Nobaek S, Jeppsson B, Adlerverth I, Wold AE, Molin G. The normal bactacillus flora of healthy human rectal and oral mucosa. J Appl Microbiol. 1998 Jul;85(1):88-94.
3. Molin G. Probiotics in foods not containing milk or milk constituents, with special reference.
4. Hart AL, Lammers K, Brigidi P, Bitali B, Rizzello F, Ginonchetti P, Campieri M, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ. Modulation of human dendritic cell phenotype and function by probiotic bacteria. Gut. 2004 Nov;53(11):1602-9.
5. Gibson GR. Dietary modulation of the human gut microflora using the prebiotics oligofructose and inulin. J Nutr. 1999 Jul;129 (7 Suppl):1428S-41S.
6. Gibson GR and Roberfroid MB. Dietary modulation of the human colonic microbiota – introducing the concept of prebiotics. J of Nutrition. 1995. 125, 1401-1412.
7. Manning TS, Gibson GR. Micobial-gut interactions in health and disease. Prebiotics. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2004 Apr;18 (2):287-98.
8. Fitzpatric A, Roberts A, Witherly S; Agrofood Industry Hi-Tech. 2004 Jan/Feb.
9. The Complete German Commission E Monographs (ed. Blumenthal M)

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Other ingredients: Vegetarian capsule shell (modified cellulose) and magnesium stearate (vegetable source).
Each capsule of BioDoph-7 Plus® contains more than 20 billion organisms at time of manufacture.
Contains an ultra-trace amount (0.3 ppm) of milk constituents which are used in the fermentation of probiotic ingredients.
This product is gluten free.

RECOMMENDATION: One (1) capsule one (1) to two (2) times each day as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a healthcare professional.

Store in a cool, dry area and refrigerate after opening.
Sealed with an imprinted safety seal for your protection.
Product # 1285 Rev. 01/15


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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